"I was born crippled and colored. Now I am disabled and black."
-- Kate Gainer

photo of an activist, apparently in some pain, being carried away by Chicago policemen.

cartoon page from an article, "Is Aversive Therapy Painful?" One cartoon shows a pinch to bare skin. The other shows a fellow with a mouthful of shaving cream.


photograph shows activists on the barricades at a Chicago Adapt action.


"I was real loud. I wanted to be heard. It was windy, real windy. But it didn't blow my words away."
-- Adrena Clegg, on the subject of her first Adapt action

"All understanding of the physical laws of the universe seems to flee from the minds of persons helping wheelchair users get through doors."
-- Alice Mailhot


"One of the great delusions of our time is that a service system can produce care. All kinds of systems steal this human word. In doing that, they put the mask of love on the face of control."
-- John McKnight

"It's like they're vampires who swoop down on you when you die, vampires bearing teddy bears. I think being around AIDS brings this out in people."
-- Debra Rosenberg


cover of an old Mouth on the subject of Handicaptivity. It shows a young man strapped into a wheelchair with a buzzing helmet on his head and a blindfold on his eyes.

"Occasionally, people will be brave enough to ask me the question which is uppermost in their minds: 'What's it like, to be a dwarf?'"
-- Priscilla Maltbie


"Psychiatric survivors haven't done a lot of connecting up with the disability rights movement. I guarantee you: that's going to change."
-- Kris Yates


photo shows the long-haired Wade Blank seated on the ground to talk to a woman who's using a wheelchair.

"To dwell on the tragedy of Wade Blank's death would be a very large disservice to the future. Wade's life is the message. His existence was a towering triumph that demands to be shouted, to be heard, to be acted on."
-- Justin Dart, Jr.


"My social worker suggested I dress down for the SSI interview. Actually, I'm lying. My social worker won't even answer her phone, let alone give me advice on social protocol for the medically indigent."
-- Tab Lloyd, reprinted from Diseased Pariah News


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The photos on this page are by Tom Olin, the illustrations by B. Faw.