borrow a digital camera — FREE!

Big news here. DimeNet’s Virtual CIL will lend you a Sony Mavica MVC-FD73 digital camera, free, so you can share the stories of your local dis�ability events online or by email.

It’s shipped to you with 10 regular floppy disks (the “film” used by this type of camera). The individual borrower — you, for instance — sets the loan period in advance and keeps the camera no longer than 30 days.

All you pay for borrowing it is the cost of returning it, plus copies on disk of the photos you take so they can be shared on the Virtual CIL’s website.

See all about it and sign up at

soulful, sexy Cheryl Marie talks Body Talk

“You’ve got the sugar,” she croons, “and I’ve got the appetite.” That’s as explicit as she gets, and although she remains fully clothed, Cheryl Marie Wade owns and in-spires sexual confidence with her breathtaking new video, Body Talk. “Leave those lights on. All night, baby.”

Watch her and you may conclude, as we did, that these bodies of ours are nothing to hide. What Wade calls our “crippled yearnings,” after all our meetings with “starched white indifference” still have “such a long way to go...” Mouth recommends you just drop everything and go there with this beautifully-produced performance art video. You may be surprised when you find your that body is made not just for diagnostic inspections but for joy.

Body Talk is priced from $20 to $45, depending on your circumstances, and available through Ms. Wade at

revolutionary common sense

Consider this a too-brief rave review of Kathie Snow’s big book for parents and for all of us, Disability is Natural. Snow, a parent herself, knows what you’re up against. She also knows how to advocate, negotiate, educate, and win what we’re all fighting for.

Yes, we can replace conven�tional therapeutic interventions with natural supports and generic community services. She shows us how. We love Snow’s idea for replac�ing Disability Awareness with Simi�larity Awareness, and her preference for wholesale change over token vic�tories. We rarely see anything truly new, but her book fills the bill.

Disability is Natural is a rich, practical guide, never tedious or theoretical. It gets right down in the trenches with us to bring us out positively included. Large-format 600-plus pages, and of course not quite perfect but we give it 225 stars. We thought we’d just tell you about it here, but begged Kathie to let us put it in our Attitude Catalog. Order it on page 55.

january - february 2002 • page 49