Why make
such a big deal over consumer control?
Right now I know
there are people who think I'm bizarre. But they don't do
anything about it because I am independent.
I don't have a visible disability, and I'm living on my
own. But the minute I would need help, then people will
come in and start saying, 'She's not making good

an interview with Alene Jensen
by Josie Byzek
photo by an innocent bystander
This interview first appeared in Mouth magazine #57 in
January 2000
Alene Jensen, aka
AJ, is a fireball who manages the personal attendant
management services at the Topeka Independent Living
Resource Center. TILRC serves as payroll agent for 797
Kansans who receive Medicaid-funded attendant and support
services. You read that right: 797. AJ and TILRC can
serve so many people because the "consumers" themselves
hire, manage, schedule, train -- and once in a while fire --
their own attendants.
In the photo at left,
Alene is under arrest during an ADAPT action and making a
note to that effect in her journal.

But helping professionals seem
to have been trained to make our choices for us, for our own
I train case managers, I start out by asking them what they
had for breakfast. Why did you
choose a donut? Do you think that's nutritious? Some people
just have a coke. Is that nutritious? No? Well, I ask them,
are you maintained on that? And who picked out your clothes
today? Was that the appropriate thing to wear?
need to know, they just need to know, that everybody gets a
choice in life. If you are told different, don't eat it.
Don't fall under their spell.
is this disability thing, and why would it make a person
different? Why would somebody with a disability want
somebody else picking what they wear and what they eat? Just
because I have a disability doesn't mean I have to have a
four course meal every time I sit down.
when I train case managers, I go around the room, asking,
'What time did you go to bed last night? Everyone says a
different time. I say, why? Well, it's because that's what
they wanted to do. Then why would somebody have to go to bed
at nine o'clock every night because that's when somebody
could send an attendant? When I worked for the state, for
adult services, there was no such thing as self-directed
care. Eight or nine o'clock was the latest they'd go put
anybody in bed. Do you want to go to bed at eight at night?
I don't.
That 'walk a mile in my shoes'
bit is a toughie...
the case managers are in disbelief, and it's
like, 'Well, but...' Well, but what? What if you go out here
today... and I try to put them in the situation. Like one
day it's icy and stuff and you fall down these steps and you
break your neck and you're a high quad. Now you need help
with every single thing in your life. How many people do you
want looking at you naked? Do you want to choose the person
who comes in and gives you a bath?
say, 'I never thought of it that way.' Well, think of it.
Because it could be you today, it could be me tomorrow. Our
wants and our needs and our likes and dislikes are not going
to change just because we need help. But there we'll be,
eating the same thing for breakfast every day.
ask them, have you ever had a friend say, 'Let's go to the
Dairy Queen and have a great big banana split.' And you skip
lunch and do it. So what?! You didn't die of it! Neither
will somebody with a disability. But that's the biggest
thing I hear out of case managers, especially for the 'frail
elderly.' They say, 'You have to have a balanced diet.'
lots of times I'll have popcorn for supper. Or I'll hang up
my clothes outside on the line at midnight. And nobody says
a thing to me because I'm 54. But when I'm 84, they going to
say, 'Oh, my God! AJ's out there with no no shoes on!' So
what! But when I'm 84 they'll think I need protection.
am who I am now, and I will always be this way.
We hear the argument that when
people control their own lives, it's not safe. How do you
answer that one?
aren't exploited in nursing homes? Aren't sexually abused?
Aren't fed their own feces? Excuse me!
fraud, they all want to bring it up.'What if the person
[hired as an attendant] really doesn't do the work
and threatens them, because they're so vulnerable...'
the same thing happens to people without disabilities,
doesn't it? But it's so minute a number, why would you even
address it?
might fall, so he has to go to a nursing home.' You're
telling me he won't fall in a nursing home? Those things
happen in nursing homes, and at home, all the time. A
nursing home's got no guarantee -- except to give you
would you like to share half of a piss-smelling room with
somebody, not even a curtain between you, and somebody's
telling you when you have to get up, when you have to eat
and what you have to eat and who you see. That's not for
I had an attendant that was ripping me off and I was afraid,
I would call my independent living counselor and tell them.
If the person feels like they're in a dangerous situation
and they want to get rid of that person, and they don't feel
like they can, they can call me. I'll go out there. I'll
fire them. In a nursing home, you can't fire anybody. In a
nursing home, they'll tell you, 'Eat shit and shut up.' They
will! If you don't like the attendant on your shift, you
can't change that. It ain't gonna happen.
[at Topeka Independent Living] only believe in
self-directed personal assistance. What about people with
cognitive disabilities? What about them? Just because you
have mental retardation doesn't mean you're a moron. That
doesn't mean you don't know what you want to do, or who you
want to do it with or when you want to do it. Yes, sometimes
you need somebody to act on your behalf -- a person you
know, a person you have designated. Not just somebody out of
the blue saying, 'I'm your social worker and this is what
you need and this is who's going to do it, and this is when
they're going to do it.'
don't cut it.
with mental illness, no different. It's just something you
have to deal with. I have not met anyone with mental illness
who could not self-direct their own services.
But if things get out of hand,
you can always step in, right?
never assume that people want intervention. If
they want to be self-directed and they've never done it,
we'll say, 'Here are the steps on how you can do it and if
you want us to, we'll have a person help you. If they need
assistance to pick their own attendant, like if they've
never done that before and they need some cues or some
training to do that, we'll provide that free of charge.
had a person once who had severe spastic cerebral palsy, and
a communication deficit. He was really bright, and he had
written his own interview questions. He just wanted someone
with him when he interviewed attendants, someone who could
speak because people couldn't understand him until they got
used to him.
ended up coming to the center and advertising for his
applicants and then they came here for interviews. He had
his list of questions. I just acted as a mouthpiece for him.
He got to see their body language and all when they saw
We've heard that you get people
out of nursing homes on a regular basis. How do you do
way we get people out of nursing homes is to ask them if
they want out. A woman who used to work here,
Brenda Hanna, she and I would go into the nursing homes and
ask people if they want to leave. We would just start
talking to people out in the smoking room. 'How do you like
it here? You want to be here? Would you like to leave? You
would? We can help you get out of here.' We would just start
the ball rolling. We've had nursing homes run us out before.
We were the dastardly duo.
times than not, people contact us. They've heard, by word of
mouth. They tell us about somebody in a nursing home that
really wants to get out, and we contact them. We also have
what are called 'resident reviews' that our state requires,
quarterly. The nursing homes go through all their residents
and if they fall below a '26,' which is an eligibility
criteria, they're mandated to tell the state. And the state
lets the centers for independent living know and we go
first we'll say, 'You want to leave?' and they'll say yes
they do, but they don't have anything. They don't have the
stuff to keep house with. And that's not a problem. We'll
help them get something.
been known to go to garage sales and go, 'Hey, there's a
chair! I know somebody can use that.' Hop out, three bucks,
and throw it in the back of the truck. Or the Salvation
Army. We have this warehouse full of stuff. We have hotels
in town when they change their beds, they'll give us their
mattresses and box springs. You can sleep on a mattress and
box spring. We have some institutions in town that will give
us appliances. Somebody gave us a piano.
don't have every single thing to set up housekeeping, but we
usually have a way to get them. We can have an independent
living specialist take you around to look at places if you
designate a part of town you want to live in, or type of
place you want to live in.
But you couldn't do that in most
other states, could you?
attendant services and supports are available here, in
Kansas. The whole state has
waivers so that if Medicaid pays to keep you in an
institution, Medicaid will pay for your services at home.
Getting that changed wasn't easy. Even now we still have to
keep after the state legislature, to get everybody served.
But that's the way it is now. Any state can do what we did
in Kansas. Centers just have to band together because,
individually, your voice can be squashed out..
can hardly think of anybody that really wants to be in a
nursing home. Most people, even if they have severe multiple
disabilities, want to be at home. If you can get somebody
coming in, what's the difference between your home and a
nursing home? The difference is your freedom.
How are we going to re-train the
world so that people with disabilities will be allowed to
make their own choices?
lot of people have this misconception that a person with a
disability isn't able to do or think. They see a
person in a wheelchair, and they talk really loud. There are
some people who are passive, and they take it. Maybe they've
taken it all their life. If a kid with a disability wants to
get out on their own, it's hard for parents to cut them
loose because they've done for them so much. The kid will
say, 'Well, I can do this.' Then it's like, 'But what
I would leave home to go to college and decide it's rough
out there, and I moved back home, nobody would think
anything about it. But if a person with a disability comes
back from college, it's 'Well, you failed.'
was just talking to my dad today. My dad's 82 years old. We
were talking about him dying. He said, 'You know, I think
I'll go pick out my lot to get buried in. I can't decide
whether to be cremated, or to just be buried. A lot of
people don't like cremation.'
said, 'Dad, what do you want?'
he said, your body's going to rot anyway, you may as well be
cremated.' I said that's his choice. Who cares what anybody
else thinks. Your body, your life, your death.
advocacy, it goes with me everywhere. When I'm visiting with
people and they ask me what I do, next thing they're asking
about somebody they know. 'Do you think she could live on
her own?'
not? If that's what they want to do, why not?
To find out how every state can become as advanced
and progressive as Kansas! Click your heels here and
go directly to Freedom Clearinghouse.
Click here to link
to the website for TILRC, where
AJ works.
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why people are labeled in the first place.
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